Sew We Start Anew


Richard’s new afghan

2017, another new beginning, another chance to move forward and make improvements. With the start of a new job in 2015 and the concomitant changes in routines, needlework took a step back in priority. I have re-learned anew the need for creative outlet and have come back to needlework, that is knitting, already finishing two projects since January 1st.

I used a free pattern from Lion Brand Yarn, their Autumn Leaf Lace Afghan pattern and made three different afghans, one I completed in 2015 for a BIL and the other two in the last few days; one for my father in law which we presented yesterday and finished the last one for my sister, it is already packaged and ready for pick up.


Mary’s Afghan

I enjoy this pattern because it has enough interest that I am forced to be present when knitting,  a great benefit as it helps me de-stress.  I added stitches to make the afghan 72 inches wide and lengthened to 72 inches as well.


Close Up of Lace Pattern

My major needlework goal for this year: re-create a needlework studio that I can use without having to clear a space in the dining room. We have a boomerang son at home for now, hopefully I can obtain help to rearrange furniture, rooms and stash for better access.

I did sewing in the last year, a tablecloth with napkins and two table runner. The one below is a simple one that decorated our Christmas table this year.

Snowman Table Runner

10 Minute Table Runner, Snowman Table Runner

For my next project, I am using Pamela’s Patterns for T-Shirt Makeover, I have several polo shirts for work that I bought extra large to makeover and I have some business travel in the next couple of weeks for which these would be most appropriate. The schedule pressure I hope will keep me on track to working with a needle every week. And the bonus; I complete a project that has been on my list for the last two months.

I am glad to be back on track, needle on.


About Sew Hope Needles

I am an avid needlework aficionado that loves to learn various needlework arts such as cross stitch, needlepoint, sewing, knitting and quilting. I enjoy making these projects for family and friends and as community service projects.
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